Culture House Laikku
Culture House Laikku offers culture for all in the heart of the city. Discover the wide range of events and visit the exhibitions, which are always free of charge. It's also easy to organise your own event or meeting at Laikku.
Culture House Laikku
Keskustori 4
040 8062330
(phone, local/mobile network fee)
[email protected]
Tuesday: 09:00-20:00
Wednesday: 09:00-20:00
Thursday: 09:00-20:00
Friday: 09:00-20:00
Saturday: 10:00-18:00
Sunday: 10:00-18:00
Events at Culture House Laikku
See here for the nearest upcoming events. Events will open in the Tampere events calendar. The City of Tampere is not responsible for events organised by other event organisers.
Sing-along events at Culture House Laikku
23.1.2025 16.15 | Kulttuuritalo Laikku, Musiikkisali, Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere -
Rest mode
30.1.2025 19.00 | Culture House Laikku, Music hall, Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere -
Folk music jam sessions
31.1.2025 18.00 | Culture House Laikku, Music hall, Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere