Accessibility statement

The City of Tampere aims to ensure the accessibility of the website in accordance with the law Laki digitaalisten palvelujen tarjoamisesta 306/2019.

This accessibility statement applies to the web service and was prepared on 22 December 2022. The statement was last updated on 7.1.2025.

The accessibility of the service has been assessed by an external expert organisation, and the evaluation has also been carried out by the city.

Web service’s accessibility status

The web service meets partly the accessibility criteria required by law at AA level (WCAG criteria 2.1). The web service showed some accessibility issues. These are described in the accessibility statement in Finnish.

Accessibility statement (in Finnish)

Accessibility requirements do not apply to certain content

The web service has content that is not legally required to be accessible. This content includes:

  • Map embeds; maps not intended for navigation purposes, such as plan maps and street arrangement drawings
  • Web content archived before 23 September 2019

City of Tampere's social media channels

In the city's social media channels, accessibility will be considered to the extent possible in each channel. For example, the aim is to subtitle videos and attach alternative descriptions to images.

Did you notice any issues in accessibility?

If you notice any accessibility issues on the site, please provide feedback to us, the site administrator, first, using the form via the link below.

Provide accessibility feedback with this form  (in Finnish)

You will receive a response within 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the response or you do not receive a response at all within two weeks, you may submit a notification to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit. The website of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom provides detailed information on how to submit the notification and how the matter will be handled.

Contact details of the supervisory authority

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000

Updated 7.1.2025