Instructions for students

Registration and payment
The courses offered by the Adult Education Centre can be viewed online on the website and in a brochure. The brochure is also distributed to homes in Tampere and Ylöjärvi as advertising distribution, and you can get one from the nearest library, for example.
It is a good idea to register well in advance, as the courses will only be run if they have a minimum number of students.
Our paid courses do not have free visits.
We reserve the right to make changes.
You can register for the courses 24 hours a day at
When enrolling in a course, enter your valid e-mail address to receive an online confirmation, and pay for the course with a separate payment link. The payment link is valid until the day before the start of the course.
If the confirmation message does not appear, check your spam and advertising folders. You can also check your registration at the office by e-mail or phone. The student is responsible for checking the registration.
If the payment has not been made via a payment link by the beginning of the course, an invoice will be sent, including an invoicing fee of 5 €.
By phone:
You can register for the courses by phone during office hours by calling x. Please note that during the registration period, the telephone lines may be congested.
When registering on the telephone, you can pay the course fee via the payment link or by invoice, in which case you will also be charged an invoicing fee of 5 €.
Course registration can also be done on site in Sampola and at Ylöjärvi’s Valo centre during office hours.
Registration for stand-by
If the course is full, you can always register for stand-by places. Once a place has become vacant, the office will contact you and offer course placement. If the payment link in the confirmation message is still active after placement is confirmed, the person invited from the stand-by place can pay for the course by invoice, with the invoicing fee, or by using the payment link.
No Finnish personal identity code
Registration requires a personal identity code for invoicing. If you do not have a Finnish personal identity code, contact the Adult Education Centre directly, as registering online without a personal identity code is not possible.
You can contact the office, tel. 040 801 6471. Registration can also be done on site in Sampola in Tampere or at the Education Centre Valo in Ylöjärvi.
Discounts and payment
A student entitled to a discount will register for the course but will not pay for it at the time of enrolment, as the discount must be separately applied for before the course begins. Once the discount has been granted, the payment is made via the payment link in the confirmation message. The payment link is the same as the one received when registering.
If you do not have e-mail or have registered by phone, you will receive an invoice from the office when applying for the discount.
Course fees and changes to invoicing
Students may be charged reasonable fees for tuition. Our payment practice is based on the Act on Liberal Adult Education: Section 24: Fees charged to students.
If the student fee has not been paid on the due date, annual penalty interest may be collected as of the due date as provided in the Interest Act. The fee may be collected without a court ruling or decision as provided in the Act on the Enforcement of Taxes and Public Payments.
Content questions related to invoices
Issues related to paying invoices, such as postponing of due date, notes and reminder invoices, please contact Monetra Pirkanmaa by email:
You cannot enrol in a course if you have not paid for previous courses. If the course fee has been paid to Lowell, the Adult Education Centre will be notified with a delay of up to one month. If you have paid but cannot register, contact the office, tel. 040 801 6471.
Other expenses
The student themselves acquires and pays for the study and work supplies and the learning materials. The course material fee is paid in cash to the teacher. The course introduction text always contains a reference to the fee.
In performing groups, the student may incur other costs, for example, from performance costumes and props.
Cancelling a course
If there are not enough registrants, the education centre will cancel the course. As a rule, the cancellation of a course is announced by text message. Up-to-date course information is also displayed on the website. The fee for a course cancelled by the education centre will be refunded to the student.
If the student cancels the course place, it must be done in writing. The course can be cancelled free of charge seven days before the course begins.
If there are less than seven days until the beginning of the course at the time of cancellation, the education centre will charge an office fee of € 20.
The full course fee will be charged for a course place that has not been cancelled before the start of the course. If the fee has to be invoiced, an invoice fee of €x will be added.
Online cancellation of course registration
Cancelling an online registration on the page
Cancelling a course registration by e-mail
Contact us by email: Your name, date of submission and course number must be entered in the message.
Cancelling a Course Place by SMS
Send an SMS: tel. 040 806 2365 or 040 133 1463. Your name, date of submission and course number must be entered in the message.
Cancellation can also be done on site in Sampola in Tampere or at the Valo Education Centre in Ylöjärvi.
Always keep a document of cancellation. The course place cannot be cancelled by not paying for the course or by notifying the teacher.
Other terms of cancellation
The education centre is not responsible for cancelling course sessions or courses due to reasons independent of the education centre.
If the student does not arrive at the course or aborts their studies for personal reasons, such as illness or work impairment, the course fee must be paid. The fee is the same regardless of whether the student has attended the course or not.
The price of the course takes into account that one cancelled session due to illness of the teacher is not compensated for.
For reasons beyond the education centre’s control, the course may shift to online teaching or be interrupted. Course fees for courses shifted to online teaching will not be refunded. Course fee refunds for interrupted courses are always decided according to the situation.
If a student of the Sara Hildén Academy course does not attend the course or interrupts their participation before the third meeting from the start of the course, a fee of 20 euros will be charged. Otherwise, the full course fee will apply.
Refunds are made through invoicing. Please e-mail with the details of your account number, name and date of birth (not your personal identity code) and payment reference number for the refund of the course fee.
Targeted means of payment
With targeted means of payment, payment is made after registration but before the start of the course. If the course is cancelled, the payment can be assigned to another course, but it cannot be refunded for another use.
A targeted means of payment can be used to pay for sports and handicrafts and arts subject courses, but not for basic education in the arts (tax administration A195/200/2017).
If the course is cancelled, the payment can be assigned to another course. The payment is not refunded in cash. According to the tax administration’s instructions, a course fee cannot be refunded to the customer in cash if it has been paid using a sports and cultural voucher or a targeted payment instrument offered by the employer. In this case, the benefit offered by the employer can be used for another course.
Tax-free vouchers issued by the employer for independent cultural and sports activities are personal and can therefore only be used for paying the recipient’s course fees.
With paper-form Smartum sports and culture vouchers, Tyky fitness vouchers and Virikeseteli vouchers, the payment is made to the office before the start of the course. The vouchers must be sufficient to cover the entire course fee.
Electronic means of payment
Electronic means of payment are used at the time of registration or later by means of a payment link. Do not register at the same time for courses that you cannot fully pay with targeted means of payment.
If you wish to pay the course fee as a mobile fee by using ePassi or SmartumPay, you must contact the adult education centre’s office. Mobile payments cannot be made after the course starts. The invoicing surcharge cannot be paid with targeted means of payment.
Education voucher discounts
Tampere Adult Education Centre grants education voucher discounts to unemployed jobseekers and people over the age of 67 in Tampere and Ylöjärvi. You can apply for a discount for one course fee during the term.
Apply for the discount before the course starts but after registering, either by e-mail, phone or on site at the office. If you enrol in a course after the course has already started, you must apply for a discount immediately on the registration date.
The course fee is paid only after the discount decision. You can get a decision when you are at the office or by e-mail.
If you have registered online, you can pay the fee through the payment link in the confirmation message after you have received the decision. No discount is granted for course fees already paid.
Amount of discount
The discount for those aged over 67 is 30 % of the course fee. The benefit for unemployed jobseekers is no more than € 35. The discount applies only to unemployed persons receiving Kela labour market subsidy with the code 02 or 07.
Attachments to the discount application
When applying for an unemployed person’s benefit, two copies must be attached to the electronic application: TE Services’ certificate of validity of job-seeking and the latest Kela payment document. When visiting the office, the documents are checked by the education centre’s secretary.
The voucher application can also be completed on the website and sent online to the adult education centre.
The Application form for people over the age of 67
The Application form of unemployed jobseekers
Other conditions for education voucher discounts
The student pays the part of the course fee that exceeds the subsidy. The benefit does not apply to fees, material charges or excursions for a non-cancelled course. An unemployed person’s discount or a discount for a person over the age of 67 does not apply to household skills courses.
Course certificate
The adult education centre does not automatically send course certificates, but the student can obtain a certificate of their studies by request. The price of the certificate is 10 €, including mailing costs. The certificate fee is paid via a payment link sent by e-mail or as an invoice. The certificate will be mailed within approximately two weeks of the request.