Tampere Travelling Theatre: Rautatie (Railway)
The new play of Tampereen Liikkuva Näyttämö (Tampere Travelling Theatre), a cooperation of Tampereen Teatteri and Tampereen Työväen Teatteri, is called Rautatie (Railway) by Juhani Aho, adapted into a play by Auvo Vihro. In addition to Vihro, the cast includes Annuska Hannula (TT) and Minna Hokkanen (TTT). The artistic manager of the group is Riikka Papunen (TTT).
Juhani Aho wrote the novel Rautatie 140 years ago, when he was only 22 years old. The novel tells a great story of small people living in the face of change and describes their thoughts about the transformation of the world. Matti and Liisa learn that a railway has been built in Lapinlahti. Although they are scared to encounter a new invention, they decide to go and look at it and say, "I guess every cottage will one day have one."
The premiere of Rautatie was on October 2024, at TTT, from where it went on tour after six public performances. This spring the tour will continue with 16 performances around the city. The first performance of the Spring Tour was organized in Pispala Church on Saturday January 25.
The City of Tampere is an important partner and enabler of Tampere Travelling Theatre. The cooperation between the theatres and the city is based on the idea of everyone’s right to experience art and the possibility of culture to promote well-being, health and inclusion for all at all ages.
Free public performances of Rautatie will take place during the spring at the following places and times:
- Tuesday February 11 at 1 pm Linnainmaan seurakuntakeskus (Korpikodinkatu 2, 33580 Tampere)
- Thursday February 13 at 12 pm Sarviksen lähitori (Hatanpäänkatu 3, J-rappu, 1st floor, 33900 Tampere)
- Friday February 14 at 2 pm Peurankallion lähitori, doors open at 1:30 pm (Peurankallionkatu 10, 33230 Tampere)
- Monday February 17 at 2.30 pm Kuuselan lähitori (Nuolialantie 46, 33900 Tampere)
- Wednesday February 19 at 1 pm Seurakuntatila Aunes (Aunessalmenkatu 23, 34240 Kämmenniemi)
- Thursday February 20 at 1 pm Koukkuniemen vanhainkodin juhlasali (Koukkuniemi Partyhouse - Ahlgrenin Puistokuja 5 C, 33180 Tampere)
- Friday February 21 at 11 pm Mummon kammari (Seurakuntien talo, 2.krs Näsin Sali, Näsilinnankatu 26, 33200 Tampere) - pre-registration for the perfomance at: mummonkammari.fi
- Saturday March 8 at 1 pm Tesoman lähitori (Tesomankatu 4, 33310 Tampere)
- Saturday March 22 at 2 pm Violan lähitori (Juhlatalonkatu 4, 33100 Tampere)
- Friday March 28 at 6 pm Culture House Laikku, Music Hall (Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere) - entrance only with a free ticket, which will be distributed at the Culture House Laikku's info from Tuesday March 11. Tickets can be picked up during Laikku’s opening hours. Tickets for the show are limited. Maximum 4 tickets per customer.