What's going on in the City of Tampere? Here you can find the latest news and other current issues.
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News and articles
How did Tampere succeed in winter maintenance? - answer the questionnaire
| News itemWith winter already behind us, it's time again to assess, how well Tampere did in winter maintenance. Were you able to walk safely on the roads? Was snow removal and sanding adequate? Answer the questionnaire by 9.5.2025. The survey is also open in English. -
Statement from the Elderly Council: More affordable intermediate housing for the elderly
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The proposed plan could bring a new sculptural landmark on Itsenäisyydenkatu 2 at the end of Hämeenkatu street
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Tampere residents value and actively use cultural services
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City bike season starts on 15.4. - new stations in the west and a single-trip fee introduced
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Call for applications for Meanwhile Use Spaces in Tampere is now open – including new sites
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Tampere celebrates Anti-Racism Week from 17 March 2025
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See here for the nearest upcoming events. Events are available in the Tampere events calendar at Go to the events calendar to see all upcoming events and filter them in different ways. The City of Tampere is not responsible for events organised by other event organisers. Event information is displayed in English if it is translated into English in the event calendar.
Babies' Day at the Tampere Art Museum
26.3.2025 10.00 | Tampere Art Museum, Puutarhakatu 34, 33230 Tampere -
Easy Finnish book club
26.3.2025 18.00 | Pääkirjasto Metso, Pirkankatu 2, 33210 Tampere -
Irish Traditional Music Session
26.3.2025 19.00 | Pub Sisko ja sen Veli, Lapintie 6, 33100 Tampere -
SOLIDARITY CLUB (Solidaarisuusklubi) - spring 2025
26.3.2025 19.15 | Mustanlahdenkatu 22, 33210 Tampere -
Kohtaamisia.aamiaiset for entrepreneurs — Towards growth and internationalization
27.3.2025 08.00 | Satakunnankatu 18a, 33210 Tampere -
Tampere Salon Orchestra spring concert
27.3.2025 13.30 | Koukkuniemen vanhainkodin juhlasali, Ahlgrenin Puistokuja 5 C -
Quiet afternoon at the Tampere Art Museum
27.3.2025 14.00 | Tampere Art Museum, Puutarhakatu 34, 33230 Tampere -
Sing-along events at Culture House Laikku
27.3.2025 16.15 | Kulttuuritalo Laikku, Musiikkisali, Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere -
Reading dogs at Main Library Metso
27.3.2025 18.00 | Pääkirjasto Metso, Pirkankatu 2, 33210 Tampere