Experience economy Tampere

Experience Economy Tampere

Experiences just a step away.

Tampere is a city of hundreds of events and thousands of experiences. There is plenty to see and do, from world-class stars to gritty subcultures. We are known for relaxed atmosphere and numerous public saunas. Everything is just a step away!

Tampere's superpower is creativity, and we dare to think big. Whether you're interested in sports, culture, or coding, you'll find a place for studying, work, or community in Tampere. This is a home of creative people.

In the spirit of Tampere, when a decision is made, it is also acted upon. We believe in ourselves and our ideas. We are the most attractive city for the happiest people in the world.

Event Organizers

We offer services to meet the various needs of event organizers and stakeholders, free of charge and impartially. The Event Organizer's Guide provides answers to many questions, but we are also happy to serve you personally according to your needs.

Major Event Bidding of Culture and Sport

We aim to make Tampere the best possible place for all kinds of events. We sniff out new event trends, offer expert services for events, and seek out major cultural and sports events in Tampere.