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Home and school cooperation

FISTA Parents’ Association ry

Fista Parents' Association ry brings the school and families together. Joining the Parents’ Association is a great chance to meet other families, have fun and make a difference in our children's school life. No special skills are required, only interest and commitment for at least one school year. Fista Parents' Association ry is a registered association, and has no religious or political affiliations.

Through its activities, the parents' association aims to promote the wellbeing of FISTA students, for example by participating in the communal student welfare team meetings, regular meetings with the principal and cooperation with other staff members. We are a member of Tampereen Vanhemmat ry and the Finnish Parents’ League (Suomen Vanhempainliitto).

In addition to advocacy, we do fundraising at various events such as Halloween, The World in Tampere, Home and School Day and Fista Family Day. The money raised enables for example a small contribution to the 6th graders' field trip fund, various purchases for the school (e.g. books for the library), roses for the 9th graders at the end of the school year, lectures for FISTA families and most recently the school mascot. 

Events and meetings will be announced via the Wilma system. For more information, contact us at [email protected] or on Instagram @fistaparents. We welcome new members and new ideas! 

Updated 18.6.2024