Finnish International School of Tampere – Contacts
Finnish International School of Tampere (FISTA)
School building and entrances. There is no parking available at the school. Entrance from the school yard.
Student welfare contacts
Email addresses [email protected]
School psychologist, grades 3-9
Laura Oksanen
Phone 050 307 8348
School psychologist, grades 0-2
Salla Kaivola
Phone 041 730 6129
School social worker, grades 0-4
Simo Kaapu
Phone 040 187 7571
School social worker, grades 5-9
Kirsi Vanhanen
Phone 040 801 6814
School nurse, grades 6-9
Lila Oja
Phone 040 806 3177
School nurse, grades 1-5
Jenna Paananen
Phone 040 665 6019
School kitchen
Phone 040 8016 260
Email tampereenkansainvalinenkoulu[at]
Job Opportunities
If you are interested in working at FISTA, you can find all our open positions on the City of Tampere website .
If you are interested in working as a substitute teacher, you can sign up for the City of Tampere substitute register here.
If you have completed your qualifications abroad and wish to practice a regulated teaching profession in Finland, you will usually need to apply to the Finnish National Agency for Education for a decision on eligibility. The qualification requirements for various teaching positions are specified in the Teaching Qualifications Decree (986/1998). You can read more on the Finnish National Agency for Education website .
Trainees, Interns and Erasmus Students
Please contact
Visitor groups
Please read more about school visits here:
Visiting schools and daycare centers in Tampere