Looking for a job? Would you like to build up your skills and competence?
Sometimes, even small updates to your abilities can make a big difference in your job search. As a customer of Tampere Employment and Growth Services, you will receive free advice and counselling on job searching, employment, skills development and career guidance.
You will get a designated OMA coach. He or she will help you to find the best ways of promoting your goals. Your OMA coach does not work alone but is assisted by a multi-professional community.
5 steps to boost your career in Tampere
These five steps are designed to support especially skilled international jobseekers. The Career Boost content will benefit you if you are already living in Finland or wanting to move here. The steps include tips for creating a professional profile and networking, information on employment services and financial support to boost your career in Tampere.
Newsletter to your email
Stay informed on latest topics and news as well as services and events that promote employment!
Newsletter on Work and Skills is the official communication channel of City of Tampere Employment and Growth Services. The newsletter is published every six weeks and is sent to all our job-seeking customers who are part of the local government pilot on employment, as well as those who have subscribed to the mailing list. If you wish to unsubscribe, use the link at the end of the newsletter.