The Sampola Genealogy Day on February 1st
How did people live and get food from the ground to the plate?
The theme of The Sampola Genealogy Day 2025 is “Food, Drink, and Shelter.” Come and hear how centuries ago people made a living from the land and what was eaten and drunk at the peasants’ table.
The lectures on the Genealogy Day will cover inns, old crops, and centuries-old dining culture. The lecturers include PhD Jenni Lares, PhD, archaeologist Tuuli Heinonen, and PhD Kirsi Laine.
A briefing titled “How to Start Genealogy” will introduce participants to genealogy research.
The event will be held at Sampola, Sammonkatu 2, Tampere, on Saturday, February 1, 2025, from 10 AM to 4 PM. The lectures will take place in Sampola’s auditorium. In the lobby, there will be exhibitors and associations related to genealogy and history.
Welcome to get excited about history and genealogy!
The Sampola Genealogy Day is organized by The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere Region in cooperation with the Tampere Region Genealogical Society. The event is free of charge.