Language studies
English studies
The main language of tuition for all FISTA students is English, meaning that most subjects are instructed in English. In addition, all students take English lessons from first grade onwards (so called A1 language).
Students in grades 7-9 can choose between the bilingual and international lines of study. You can read more about them on the page Study lines and optional courses.
Finnish studies
Following the Finnish national curriculum, all FISTA students take Finnish lessons. Depending on their Finnish skills, the pupils study Finnish in groups with other students with a similar skill level. Finnish is a mandatory subject on every grade level.
Most students whose first language is Finnish join Finnish as a first language lessons. However, if for example the family has stayed abroad for a long time and the students need extra support in their Finnish studies, they can also attend Finnish as a second language classes.
Students whose mother tongue is not Finnish can join Finnish as a second language instruction at their own level. Students can be promoted to the next grade level even when their Finnish skills are still limited.
However, in order to get the Finnish Basic Education Certificate at the end of year 9 (last year at FISTA), all students need to achieve at least a passing grade in Finnish studies. The criteria for grades are set in the national curriculum.
If a child starts at FISTA towards the end of their basic education studies and without knowing any Finnish, meeting even the minimum criteria for Finnish language skills by the end of year 9 will require hard work, and using and practising Finnish outside of school as well. If a student cannot reach the goals set in the national curriculum by the end of grade 9, they can continue their studies in Basic Education for Adults, until they are able to pass.
Swedish studies
Following the Finnish national curriculum, all students in basic education grades 6-9 also study the second national language, Swedish.
Optional languages
It’s possible for students to start an optional language (so called A2 language) in third grade. The options offered at FISTA follow the City of Tampere language plan and are Spanish, French or German. Different groups may start in different years. The optional language is studied for two lessons per week for the rest of basic education (grades 3-9).
Instruction in the student's own mother tongue
In addition, the City of Tampere organises optional instruction in the students' own home languages. The two weekly lessons are free of charge and might be at FISTA or at another school.