Koivistonkylä Library

Koivistonkylän kirjaston sisältä.

Koivistonkylä Library

Lehvänkatu 9 33820 Tampere
040 8007841 (phone, local/mobile network fee)
Service hours 1.1.-31.5.2025:
Monday: 13:00-19:00
Tuesday: 10:00-15:00
Wednesday: 10:00-15:00
Thursday: 13:00-19:00
Friday: 10:00-15:00
Self-service hours:
Monday: 7:00-21:00
Tuesday: 7:00-21:00
Wednesday: 7:00-21:00
Thursday: 7:00-21:00
Friday: 7:00-18:00
Saturday: 7:00-18:00
Sunday: 7:00-21:00

The Koivistonkylä library is located in connection with the school in the middle of the village. The homely library welcomes the whole family and also works as a meeting place for the schools, day-care centres and care homes in the area. It's easy to visit the library even if you have mobility issues. 

The library provides computers and a multidevice for printing, copying, and scanning. In addition, the library has the Seutu Wireless wifi network. By logging in, you can use the library's e-services on your own device.  

Self-service library open from morning to evening    

Koivistonkylä Library is a self-service library that you can also use outside regular opening hours. During broad self-service opening hours, you can open the doors of the library with a PIKI library card and its ID number.  

The library does not have any staff during self-service hours but you can loan and return materials through self-service machines, use a computer, read magazines and even work or hold meetings in the library's premises.  

The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/koivistonkylalibrary

Updated 7.1.2025