Messukylä Library

Messukylän kirjaston sisäänkäynti.

Messukylä Library

Hintsankatu 1 33560 Tampere
040 8007839 (phone, local/mobile network fee)
Service hours 1.1.-31.5.2025:
Monday: 11:00-19:00
Tuesday: 11:00-19:00
Wednesday: 11:00-16:00
Thursday: 11:00-19:00
Friday: 11:00-16:00
Self-service hours (front doors open Mon-Fri at 8):
Monday: 7:00-21:00
Tuesday: 7:00-21:00
Wednesday: 7:00-21:00
Thursday: 7:00-21:00
Friday: 7:00-18:00
Saturday: 7:00-18:00
Sunday: 7:00-21:00

Messukylä's vibrant and pleasant library serves the residents, schools, day-care centres and care homes in the Ristinarkku area. The library is located in the same building as the Takahuhti lower secondary school.  

The Messukylä Library has a quiet reading room that can be reserved for meetings. You can also book an exhibition space or an exhibition showcase at the library.   

Self-service library open from morning to evening

The library has extensive self-service hours. During self-service hours, you can enter the library but the customer service is not open. 

  • Return box open 24 hours a day. The box is emptied during service hours. When the library is closed, items left to the return box will be processed as returned on the next service opening day.
  • Visiting with dogs: only guide and assistance dogs allowed.
Tuulia Kappas
Kirjaston johtaja
040 800 7838

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Updated 14.1.2025