Niihama nature trail
The nature trail that starts from Niihama recreational lodge runs through the wooded terrain around Lake Niihamajärvi and Soukonvuori. The length of the trail is about 3 kilometres and it features a main information board and also 11 smaller ones dotted along the route. Along the route you can find both fresh and dry peaty forest, birch stands and groves. Lake Niihamajärvi, which can be glimpsed between the trees, is gradually turning into a swamp, and its shores are lined with plants that need humidity, such as bog arum. Along the trail, you can also skirt round a marked route through the Soukonvuori nature reserve. The route map can be found on the main information board in the courtyard of Niihama lodge, and the route can be easily traced by following the yellow balls attached to trees and the direction arrows positioned at junction points.
In some places there are roots and stones on the path, and along the nature reserve path there are also tree stumps, so it is important to be aware of these when walking. The best way to get to the trail is by bicycle or car, which can be parked near Niihama lodge. By bus you can reach Teiskontie, from where you can continue on foot towards Niihama.
Updated 20.3.2024