Contacts of the Tampereen lyseon lukio high school

Tampereen lyseon lukio high school
Pyynikintie 2
040 8063897
(phone, local/mobile network fee)
040 1561929
(phone, local/mobile network fee)
[email protected]
Guidance Councelling
Student well-being
Student health care (Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa)
School nurse
Katja Koivisto
Phone: 050 301 0497
email: [email protected]
Social worker
Hilkka Launiainen
Phone: 050 313 2462
email: [email protected]
Ella Niemistö
Phone: 044 486 3834
email: [email protected]
Please, contact via Wilma or email [email protected]. Any exceptional addresses are mentioned next to the name.
Name | Short name | Subject |
Arffman Iita | ArfIit | Physics, Chemistry, ft 23D |
Brusila Liisa | BruLii | Russian |
Davies Mikael | DavMik | IB English, English, ft 24KA |
Davies Terhi | DavTer | IB Finnish, Finnish S2, Finnish language and literature, ft 22KB |
D'Incau Annamaaria | DinAnn | IB biology, ft 24KB |
Gullstén Nina | GulNin | Biology |
Halme Johanna | HalJoh | Assistant Principal |
Happonen Pirjo | HapPir | Chemistry, Physics, IB chemistry ft 23A |
Havana Teija | HavTej | Psychology, Religion, ft 24D |
Heinsuo Sirkka-Liisa | HeiSir | Art, IB Visual Arts, ft 23B, ft 21NA |
Hyvönen Marko | HyvMar | IB History, IB Theory of Knowledge, History, Social studies, ft 23KA |
Ikäläinen Kaisa | IkäKai | IB Finnish, Finnish language and literature |
Järvinen Heidi [email protected] | JärHei | English, Spanish, IB Spanish, ft 23KB |
Kanerva Teija | KanTei | Finnish language and literature |
Kiiski Sari | KiiSar | Mathematics, IB Mathematics, CAS coordinator, EE coordinator, ft 22KA |
Könönen Salla | KönSal | Geography, biology, IB biology |
Laitamo Aimo | LaiAim | Music |
Latva-Teikari Jari | LatJar | Physics, IB Physics |
Laurila Tuija | LauTuj | IB Coordinator, IB Economics |
Lehtimäki Ilpo | LehIlp | Mathematics, physics, chemistry |
Linnaranta Seppo | LinSep | Guidance Counselor |
Luukkonen Salla | LuuSal | Guidance Counselor |
Mattila Marika | MatMai | Swedish, ft 22A |
Mustalahti Kirsi | MusKir | Physical education, Health education |
Mäkisalo Soile | MäkSoi | Finnish language and literature, IB Finnish, ft 24C |
Nikkanen Arja | Nikkanen | Guidance Counselor |
Nordlund Tomi [email protected] | NorTom | Finnish language and literature, ft 22D |
Ohtokangas Emilia | OhtEmi | English, IB English, ft 24B |
Oksanen Elina | OksEli | Social studies, History, Social Sciences line coordinator, ft 22E |
Parviainen Siljaliisa | ParSil | Religion, IB Psychology, Psychology, ft 22C |
Passinmäki Sanna | PasSan | Special education |
Pekkarinen Riikka | PekRii | French, German, IB French, ft 23E |
Rantala Kim | RanKim | Swedish, English |
Salonen Ville [email protected] | SapVil | IB Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy, Social studies, Ethics, ft 24A |
Saukkosaari Mika | SauMik | Mathematics, ft 24F |
Siekkinen Akseli | SieAks | Chemistry, IB Chemistry, Physics, ft 22B |
Sutinen Outi | SutOut | Mathematics, ft 24Y |
Taubert Tero | TauTer | Mathematics, IB Mathematics, ft 24E |
Uusihaaro Pirkkoliisa | UusPir | History, ft 21NB |
Vainionpää Annemari | VaiAnn | German, Swedish |
Verho Satu | VerSat | Finnish |
Ylinen Aino | YliAin | Mathematics |
Student body 2025
Please contact [email protected].
Role | Name |
President | Sami Järvinen |
Vice President | Elli Jalonen |
Secretary | Iita Karppinen |
Treasurer and Business Contact Coordinator | Matias Kovalainen |
Public Relations Coordinator | Veera Mertala |
Second Year Representative | Sami Järvinen 2025, Antti Timonen 2026 |
Event Coordinator | Pessi Lemmetyinen |
Student Interest Representative | Pessi Lemmetyinen |
IB Coordinator | Nicholas Hakala |
Other staff
Meals and cleaning services
School kitchen:
Pirkanmaan Voimia
Tel. 040 801 6072
email: [email protected]
Coor Service Management
Service Supervisor Jenni Salonen puh. 050 479 8800
Updated 4.3.2025