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Voting options for the Mansen Massit Community Grant

A smiling woman on an yellow background.

The Mansen Massit voting period is 20.5.–2.6.2024.

During this period, the residents of Tampere will vote for which activity will receive the Mansen Massit Community Grant.

All activities submitted in the applications are open to the public and free of charge to participants. Please note that applicants are dependent on receiving the Manse Masses Community Grant. The planned activity may not take place if the applicant does not receive Community funding.

Voting for Mansen Massit Community Grant

On this page you can find out about the voting options. The actual voting will take place on this website: Mansen Massit Community Grant voting.

Small events and activities

Mansen Massit applications where the amount of Community Grant requested does not exceed €2.000.

Medium events and activities

Applications for the Mansen Massit Community Grant, where the amount of Community funding requested is between €2.001 and €5.000.

Large events and activities

Applications for the Mansen Massit Community Grant, where the amount of Community funding requested is between €5.001 and €10.000.

Updated 29.5.2024