Meanwhile Use Spaces for culture and arts

Open call for applications 17.3.-4.4.2025
The call for applications for Tampere's Meanwhile Use Spaces is now open for the sixth time. In addition to the city's premises, there are also facilities offered by companies. A brainstorming and sparring session will take place on 18.3.2025.

The concept Meanwhile Use Spaces
The Meanwhile Use Spaces concept (Välitilamalli) is an operating model developed by the City of Tampere, where empty spaces are temporarily made available for cultural activities.
The city has a constant supply of temporarily vacant spaces, and the city aims to harness these spaces for productive use. The open call for Meanwhile Use Spaces takes place around twice a year, when the City of Tampere looks for interesting cultural and artistic concepts for empty spaces. The spaces are made available to the operator on a temporary basis, allowing for pop-up and experimental activities.
The spaces can be used for working, creating, producing and presenting works, carrying out projects, exhibitions or other open and collaborative creative activities. When making choices, the City of Tampere values concepts that are appropriate to the space and its surroundings, that take into account the temporary nature of the activity.
The Meanwhile Use Spaces are released free of charge for use by cultural and art operators. Cultural activities (such as workshops, exhibitions and events) must be arranged for city residents in the space or as a result of its use. The sale of works, ancillary products, and refreshments is allowed as long as it is closely linked to the activities conducted in the space.
The operator is responsible for all permits, insurances and security of the premises. Operators may apply for Project Grants for Culture for costs related to the events.
When making selections, City of Tampere values:
- the suitability of a concept to the space
- time and place specificity
- increasing employment and earning opportunities for artists and other cultural operators
- applicants from Pirkanmaa
- interesting and/or unusual content
- the applicant’s values regarding equality and sustainability
- the added value for residents (in the space or resulting indirectly from its use).
Applications will also be assessed on the basis of the balance between different art forms and artistic disciplines.
Different kinds of collectives can also apply for the spaces, but they must have one main applicant responsible for the application. The requested period can also be shorter than the full usable time given in the space description. The representatives of the City of Tampere may also propose the joint use or sharing of premises between different applicants.
Applications for premises are made using an electronic form. You can also apply for more than one space. However, please fill in a new form for each space you are applying for. The location cards include information on accessibility in the available spaces.
Premises included in 2025 call

Business premises at Pyynikki swimming hall
Pirkankatu 10, business space No. 3
The traditional street-level premises and basement provide opportunities for many kinds of pop-up activities. The trams sliding by the windows provide easy transport to the site.
An open day to visit the premises will not be arranged, but applicants can view the space at the street level through the window facing Pirkankatu, and there is a windowless room of the same size in the basement.

Kaupin virkatalo
Parantolankatu 5, Tampere
The new Meanwhile Use Space is Kaupin Virkatalo, located in the Petsamo district in an old hospital environment amidst the forest. There are 425.5 m2 of space available. The space may be allocated entirely to one operator, or it may be shared between several applicants. The building was completed in the year 1955 as the official residence of the municipal manager. Most recently, the house was used during the COVID-19 pandemic as additional capacity for the Finnish Red Cross reception center.
The premises are handed over in their current condition and must be returned in the same usable condition. The use of the space involves restrictions due to its historical nature, such as taking care of the parquet floors.
An open viewing of the house is on Thu 20th of March at 3-4pm.

Kalevan halli, 3 spaces
Sarvijaakonkatu 28, Tampere
In this call, three smaller spaces are offered for rent in Kaleva Hall. Other community activities are also planned in the area around Kaleva Hall for the coming year, so an interest in working together will be considered an asset. The space is an industrial hall and was previously used as a car repair shop. In addition, there are office and social facilities. The social facilities are shared with other operators. The workshop's large hall and other premises are used for other activities and transit traffic and can be used for workshops, for example, by agreement with other operators.
An open viewing of the premises is on Wed 19.3. at 15:30-16:30.

Hiedanranta Visitor and Cultural Centre, 2 spaces
Tehdaskartanonkatu 38, Hiedanranta
Hiedanranta Visitor and Cultural Centre, which will open in spring 2025, will provide workspaces for artists and creatives, as well as community cultural activities such as events, performances and exhibitions. It will also serve as an international visitor centre and showcase the development of the region. Intermediate operators will be involved in the launch of a new cultural centre and artist-cultural community. So, at the same time, the space will offer networking and collaboration opportunities! More information on Hiedanranta website: Lielahti Manor — Hiedanranta
On the upper floor of the manor house, two separate rooms are available for rent, room 201 32,5 m² and room 204 34,5 m². The rooms are suitable for desk work, small-scale creative and artistic work/activities and for various small groups. The rooms are not suitable for demanding or messy work. Upstairs there are artists' workspaces.
Room 204 has a balcony overlooking the manor park and Lake Näsijärvi. The manor's event spaces and facilities can be used by temporary exhibitors by separate arrangement. A new, well-serviced café will be opened in the spring of 2025. In the application, the operator is also encouraged to submit ideas or proposals for cooperation with the manor's activities and the cultural community.
An open viewing of the premises is on Tuesday 25.3. at 16.30–17.30.

Koskikeskus, exterior glazed commercial space
Hatanpään valtatie 1, 33100 Tampere
For the Meanwhile Use Spaces the Koskikeskus offers a 64m2 glazed commercial space located under the slipway facing Suvantokatu. The glass cube is in an outdoor space and is therefore offered for use from 15 May to 30 September 2025.
The space is ideal for making and displaying a work of art for the space or for exhibiting existing works. The space is glass throughout and so passers-by can view the work(s) from behind the glass and there is no need to guard the exhibition. Performance art or artistic work that is not disturbed by passers-by and weather conditions could also be suitable for the space. Sales and public events can be organised in the space, taking into account the specificities of the space.
There will be no open viewing for the space since it can be viewed through the glass walls at any time.

The "Old Alko" in Kuninkaankulma
Puutarhakatu 10
If no new tenant is found, space can be used until 31.8.
Finnpark is offering street-level commercial space, including retail space, break room and warehouse space, from Kuninkaankulma. In total, 238m² of floor space is available. The space is located in the Kuninkaankulma shopping centre, between the R-kioski and the pharmacy, and has unobstructed access from the street. The "Old Alko" is available for the selected interim operator for the summer of 2025, i.e. from 15 May to 30 July, and if no new tenant is found, the operator can remain in the space until August. This is an opportunity for an artistic summer camp right in the heart of Tampere! Here you can organise a wide range of cultural events and work with a larger group.
An open viewing of the space is on Wed 19.3. at 9–10am.
Previously on the Meanwhile Use Scheme
VOL 0 – Meanwhile Use Pilot 2021-2022:
Bus station: Theatre Täsmäteatteri: NarttuLive (työnimi)
2022 VOL 1 – First open call for Meanwhile Use Scheme:
Kaleva industrial hall: communal workspace for visual artists and dancers: Jenni Valorinta, Jenni Eskola, Marja Hautamäki &Tiina Alazawi, Anna Värri, Lotta Halinen & Niina Rajaniemi (Body Canvas)
Market Hall booth: Tehdas 108: Kioski 108
Pyynikki swimming hall business premises: Pispala Clothing: Pispala Upstairs Downstairs
2023 VOL 2 – Second open call for Meanwhile Use Scheme:
Pyynikki swimming hall business premises: Architectural association Tampereen Arkkitehtuurikasvatus ry: Architecture workspace Tiili
Kaleva industrial hall: Sysäys Collective: Kehotus
Kaleva industrial hall: Association KRIS-Tampere ry: Kalevan hallin lauma
Hiedanranta, Lielahti Manor room 205: shadow theatre association Suomen varjoteatteriyhdistys ry.
Hiedanranta, Lielahti Manor room 205: collective Kanvas Kollektiivi ry.
Hiedanranta, Gallery Muuntotila at Lielahti Manor: Theatre Siperia: Toimisto-esitys
2023 VOL 3 – Third open call for Meanwhile Use Scheme:
Voimakatu 11: Games as Art Centre
Pyynikki swimming hall business premises: Tampere Intercultural Art (TIcA)
Hiedanranta, Gallery Muuntotila at Lielahti Manor: Essi Koivula / Linda Kuha / Tuija Touhunen & Mia Tiihonen
Hiedanranta, Lielahti Manor room 205: Heikki Kovalainen
Old upper secondary school of Nokia: Tiina Knuuttila / Nokian Näyttelijäyhdistys ry / Sanna Törmäkangas / Pasi Karppi / Mariitta Tähtinen / Risto Eerikäinen / Varhaiseläkeläiset
Nokia Art House: Ulla Ruokolainen
2024 VOL 4 – Fourth open call for Meanwhile Use Scheme:
Pyynikki swimming hall business premises (no. 5): Tampere Intercultural Art (TIcA)
Pyynikki swimming hall business premises (no. 3): ACCAC Finland - Accessible Art and Culture Association (Korean Cultural Centre)
Kaleva industrial hall: Blokgarden urban farming project
Kaleva industrial hall: Phaser Crane Collective
Hiedanranta, Lielahti Manor room 205: Wilhelmina Ojanen (1.3.-31.5.)
Hiedanranta, Lielahti Manor room 205: Minna Holopainen (1.9.-31.12.)
Hiedanranta, Gallery Muuntotila at Lielahti Manor: Kärhi working group / Ihmeryhmä
Nokia Art House: artist group TaideRemmi (Leo Harjapää, Ilmari Immonen, Kari Kaellaan, Riitta-Liisa Oulujärvi, Tomi Tähkävuori and Katriina Viitaniemi) / Jenni Eskola, Tiina Knuuttila, Kati Vaaranmaa and Steven Gourlay
Old upper secondary school of Nokia: Nokia-seura / Pirkan opisto
2024 VOL 5 – Fifth open call for Meanwhile Use Scheme:
Pyynikki swimming hall business premises (no. 3): Iiris Aholainen: Ajan kanssa - A meeting place for sustainable creativity
Nokia Art House: artist group TaideRemmi (Leo Harjapää, Ilmari Immonen, Kari Kaellaan, Riitta-Liisa Oulujärvi, Tomi Tähkävuori and Katriina Viitaniemi), exhibition and short courses and use of workspace.
Old upper secondary school of Nokia: Jenni Eskola, visual artist workspace / Vesa Kietäväinen, actor, production and rehearsal of music and theatre work / Kati Vaaranmaa and Steve Gourlay, shared workspace for visual art and yurt making / Saara Vallineva, visual artist-illustrator-writer workspace / Nokian Nästelläyhdistys ry, rehearsal space, short courses and association meetings / Marginaali working group, for designing and rehearsing a performance
Further information
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