Kaikukortti Card

Muumimuseo on yksi Kaikukortin kulttuurikohteista.

Culture belongs to everybody

The Kaikukortti Card is intended for people and families in a tight financial situation who are clients of a social service or other party issuing cards.

With Kaikukortti, you can get free tickets to, for example, museums, theatre performances, festivals or concerts. Kaikukortti is personal and free of charge.

Kaikukortti Cards are valid one year at a time. You can be granted a new Kaikukortti Card if your situation has remained the same and you are still a client of the party that issued you the previous card.

You can get a Kaikukortti card if

  • you are a client of adult social work services or a service of an operator that is involved in Kaikukortti activities and you cannot afford tickets due to a tight financial situation; and
  • you are at least 16 years old and your place of residence is Tampere.

Kaikukortti card can be granted to you in Tampere by these issuers

  • Social Work in the Welfare Area
  • Employment and Growth Services
  • Services for Young People
  • Mielen ry
  • Tampere A-Guild
  • Nauha ry
  • Setlementti Tampere ry
  • Yhdessä Selviytymisen Tuki YSTI ry

Pop Up Events 2023

The Facebook Group for Kaikukortti Card  is the fastest way to get information about possible unexpected changes in pop-up events.

The rules of Kaikukortti Card

Kaikukortti issuers in Tampere

The issuers of Kaikukortti Cards in Tampere are listed below. Please click to section open using the small arrow to reveal more information.

Download Kaikukortti brochures in different languages

If you have any questions, please contact us primarily at kaikukortti@tampere.fi

Anne Ruusuvuori
040 750 7873

The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/kaikukortticard

Updated 3.3.2025