Cultural Courses for Families with Children
Cultural courses are regional courses for families of young children in a variety of arts. Families can engage in and learn about the arts. The course selection includes the father-baby circus, circus for the whole family, dance for the whole family and the colour immersion for babies. The courses are aimed at families of 6-year-old children from 6 months old. The City of Tampere's City Culture Unit regularly organizes courses and events for families with children.
Register for courses!
The registration dates for Spring 2025 are:
Wed 8.1. at 9 am
Wed 5.3. at 9 am

Please note that not all available courses are included in the registration. The courses may be subject to changes. Course places are confirmed by email within approximately one week of registration.

Colour Immersion for Babies
The colour immersion is a method developed by the Pori Centre for Children’s Culture, which enables children to become acquainted with the world of senses while creating their first artwork. The immersion involves painting with edible colours: ground berries, pudding and charcoal, for instance. The painting time varies depending on how energetic the children are feeling.
- Aimed at babies and toddlers aged between 6 to 24 months. If your child is already walking, we recommend selecting the group for toddlers.
- Each course includes four meetings.
- The duration of one meeting is about 45 minutes.
- Courses are in Kaukajärvi, Hervanta and in the town Centre.
- Price 48€
Colour Immersions

Father and Baby Circus Courses
The father and baby circus activity enables the parent and child to experience a variety of tricks known from the world of circus in an accepting environment. The inspiring joint activity promotes the development of the child’s motor skills and gives the parent an opportunity for engaging in light exercise. The course offers tips on how to interact with the baby and also provides a moment’s rest from the busy day-to-day life. The father and baby circus groups are intended as groups for fathers and the duration of one meeting may vary depending on how much energy the children have.
- The baby group is aimed at babies aged between 6 and 12 months.
- The toddler group is aimed at children aged between 12 and 36 months.
- Each course includes six meetings.
- The duration of one meeting is about 45 minutes.
- Courses are in the city centre
- Price 72€
Father-Baby Circus

Dance for the Whole Family
Dance for the Whole Family is about moving together through creative movement and play. In the course, you get to dance both with dance step patterns and moving based on music, play and mental images. In addition to dance, play and movement, the course is above all enjoyable togetherness. The course is suitable for everyone, regardless of previous experience.
- Aimed at 3-6 yeard old children with families.
- Each course includes five meetings.
- The duration of one meeting is about 60 minutes.
- Price 60€
Dance for the Whole Family

Circus for the Whole Family
Circus for the whole family is a circus course intended for all kinds of families where you get to experiment with new ways of spending time together using circus activities. You will familiarise yourself with various circus equipment, tricks, doing things together and controlling your body. The whole family is welcome to participate in the group, and older children will also enjoy the course. The duration of one meeting may vary depending on how much energy the children have.
- Aimed at babies over 6 months old with families.
- Aimed at 12- 36 month old toddlers with families.
- Aimed at 3-6 yeard old children with families.
- Each course includes five meetings
- The duration of one meeting is about 60 minutes.
- Courses in Koilliskeskus and Lielahti.
- Price 60€
Circus for the Whole Family
Culture and Hobbies for Families with Children