Tampere is a city for all – show your support against racism and discrimination with your picture

The City of Tampere is launching a Tampere for All campaign to promote equality and non-discrimination in the autumn. The campaign is looking for people from Tampere who want to show their support for the city's anti-racism and anti-discrimination work with their own faces. Register by 27.8.2023.

The City of Tampere wants everyone living and visiting Tampere to feel welcome, accepted and safe. The city does not tolerate racism, discrimination or other inappropriate conduct.

Equality is the Tampere attitude. Everyone can be their own person here.

– Diversity is richness. According to the Finnish Equality Act and Non-Discrimination Act, no one may be discriminated against on the basis of age, ethnic origin, nationality, language and culture, religion, belief, opinion, political opinion, family background, gender identity, sexual orientation, health, disability, social status, economic status or any other individual factor, says Mikko Ala-Kapee, Equality Coordinator.

In the autumn, the city will launch a Tampere for All campaign to promote equality and equal opportunities. We are looking for adult volunteers from Tampere to take part in the campaign photos. No names will be mentioned in the portraits. The photos will not be used on their own but as part of a photo collage.

The photos will be taken in the centre of Tampere at the following times:

  • Tuesday 29.8.2023 at 16–17
  • Friday 1.9.2023 at 9–10 
  • Friday 1.9.2023 at 16–17
  • Monday 4.9.2023 at 17–18 

The exact location will be announced later. You can drop in at a time that suits you. It takes about 5 minutes to take a photo.

Please register for the photoshoot by Sunday 27.8.2023: Sign up: Tampere for All photo campaign. The maximum number of participants is 60. By registering, you agree to comply with Equality and Non-discrimination Acts and to oppose racism and discrimination.

The campaign is part of the implementation of the city's equality and equal opportunities plan.

Further information

Mikko Ala-Kapee
Non-discrimination coordinator
040 515 6166
Text: Johanna Kurela
Photos: City of Tampere
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