The City of Tampere is Building a Diverse and Equal Society

The discussion about racism became one the most important topic of conversation in the summer both politically and socially in Finland. The spirit of the discussion has largely been a confrontation between pros and cons, in which case the real meaning of the topic is easily overlooked. The City of Tampere is committed to anti-racism work, and with its actions to build a diverse and equal society.

The importance of anti-racism work goes much deeper than just the level of speeches. In itself, it has the power to build a society where every individual can feel that they are valuable and belong. Anti-racism work is necessary to promote diversity, equality, and social justice.
As a director working with international talent attraction and migration matters, this topic is particularly close to my heart. I want to highlight why we should all commit to fighting racism and creating an equal future.

The effects of racism weaken the entire society

Racism doesn't just affect individuals, it has a broad impact on society as a whole. Discrimination and prejudice can prevent the full potential of individuals and communities.  This especially applies to migrants and other minority groups. For example, imagine a person named Fatima. She is a young and talented woman who came to our country in search of a better future. Fatima is a trained engineer, but she has to face prejudices when looking for a job just based on her name or the way she dresses. Unfortunately, this is one of the many experiences of racism that migrants face when trying to integrate into a new society. 
Such cases not only hinder the opportunities of individuals but also weaken the potential of society as a whole. How many talented people are rejected by the labor market or society simply because their appearance, language, or background differs from the majority? Anti-racism work is the key to being able to build a society where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed and bring out their skills.

Everyone needs to take part in Anti-racism work

Migration enriches our society in many ways, bringing with it new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. With anti-racism work, we can ensure that this diversity does not go unused but is integrated into a part of our common identity. Tampere has many measures to promote international cooperation and interaction between people from different backgrounds. For example, Anti-Racism Week campaigns and events have proven to be successful forums where people can learn from each other and build common understanding.
Fighting racism is not an easy task, but it is a necessary step toward a better future. Each of us has a role in this work, whether it is a decision-maker or a citizen. We must be willing to question our prejudices, promote education and awareness, and address discrimination whenever we encounter it.

The strategy of the City of Tampere is focused on anti-racism work, which is also reflected in its annual service plan through the promotion of equality. There is a lot that can be done by all of us to ensure that talented individuals like Fatima are given an opportunity to showcase their abilities and make a positive difference in society. I strongly believe in this vision and am committed to working towards it every day.
The prevention of racism is an investment in the future, where all individuals can participate in the development of society without fear or discrimination. It promotes equality, justice, and understanding and builds the foundation for a strong and united society. These matters we also raised in the City of Tampere’s statement regarding a written consultation requested by the Finnish Government action programme called “Yhdenvertainen Suomi”. The Finnish Government is scheduled to issue a communication to the parliament on concrete measures to promote equality and anti-racism.
This year, Tampere celebrated the Week Against Racism in March, and we will celebrate it again in March 2024. Although we do anti-racism work every day, the campaigns and events dedicated to it are important for raising awareness. In September, we will be taking part in a social influencer campaign aimed at promoting diversity in the Finnish workplace and improving attitudes towards it. 20 social media influencers from different cultural backgrounds living in Finland act as conversation starters in the campaign called "Muutostöissä". The campaign aims to reach out to all working individuals in Finland. It is coordinated by PING Helsinki. The topic is highly important to us, and for that reason, we want to promote an open and accepting society in Tampere!

Text: Mari Taverne, Director at the City of Tampere International Talent Attraction and Migration
Photos: Laura Vanzo
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