Daycare centres that are open during Christmas
During the Christmas period, daycare centres are open on a reduced schedule. Below you will find a list of day nurseries open during the Christmas period by region.
Western region:
27.-29.12.2023 open daycare centres Haukiluoma, Ikuri and Amuri
2.-5.1.2024 open daycare centres Haukiluoma, Ikuri, Amuri, Jussinkylä and Tesoma
Southern region:
27.-29.12.2023 open daycare centres Mustametsä and Etelä-Hervanta
2-5.1.2024 open daycare centres Helapuisto, Mustametsä and Etelä-Hervanta
Eastern area:
27.-29.12.2023 open daycare centres Irjala and Kalevanharju
2-5.1.2024 open daycare centres Irjala, Kalevanharju, Takahuhti, Pappila and Hippos.
Pellervo Daycare Centre provides centralised evening and day care throughout the day.