The City of Tampere, in collaboration with Tampere Trade Fairs Group, is organizing the Imagine the Metaverse professional event, where the virtual and real worlds meet

The Imagine the Metaverse event will take place at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre on June 11-12, 2024. This international event is aimed at experts in urban development, the business world, the experience economy, and industry. The organization of the event serves as an international showcase for the city to highlight digital innovations and development.
Mies seisoo modernin lasirakennuksen edessä vr-lasit päässään ja sensorit käsissään.
Imagine the Metaverse event invites participants to explore the opportunities arising from the convergence of the physical and virtual worlds, known as the metaverse.

The metaverse, chosen as the main theme of the event, refers to the convergence of the physical and virtual worlds.

– Just as we no longer think of going to the Internet when using, for example, banking services, in the future, we won't think of 'going to the metaverse' when attending an event, with some participating on-site and others utilizing virtual platforms. The Metaverse is a broad concept, but in its simplicity, it can mean, for example, the merging of the physical and virtual worlds. This is why it serves as an alluring umbrella term for the event, states Tiia Joki, Development Manager at the City of Tampere.

The City of Tampere is organizing the event in collaboration with Tampere Trade Fairs Group. The main partners of the event are Microsoft and the City of Tampere.

Keynote speakers at the event include, among others, Teemu Vidgren, COO of Microsoft; Susana Reyes, Commissioner of Public Works Board in Los Angeles; Emre B. Aksu, Bell Labs Fellow from Nokia Technologies; Hollywood screenwriter specializing in XR storytelling, Eve Weston; Anita Kalegris, PR and Communications Manager at Xprizon; and Dr. Marwan Al Zarouni, Strategic Advisor at Dubai's Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

The expert event offers content for representatives from various fields

The Imagine the Metaverse event invites participants to explore the opportunities created by the metaverse across different industries. This could mean, for example, utilizing immersive technologies to create experiences, using digital twins in urban planning, or innovative ways to leverage smart technology for industrial needs.

The event space consists of four areas, each offering speeches and programs tailored to different target groups. In the demo areas, event attendees can test various technological solutions.

The program includes, among other things, exploring storytelling through film and game via the character Alma. Additionally, there's a program segment titled "Urban Shark Tank," where companies can showcase their digital urban solutions to public sector representatives. The program lineup also includes content related to chip technology, urban development, and new museum experiences.

– We want to create a space where representatives from different fields can find new perspectives and opportunities for collaboration. The event provides excellent opportunities for global networking for both companies and cities. Indeed, the best part of such events is the meetings between people, says Director Teppo Rantanen from the City of Tampere.

The events support the vitality of Tampere

Organizing events promotes economic growth in Tampere, supports employment, local businesses, and creates a platform for partnerships and collaboration.

– The organization of the Imagine the Metaverse event serves as an international showcase for the city as a center of digital innovation and development, attracting top experts and companies to Tampere. Additionally, the event promotes our collaboration with other cities. This supports employment and local businesses while also creating new partnerships and collaboration opportunities, says Rantanen.

Further information

Tiia Joki
Head of Development
040 063 6838
Text: Elina Uusitalo
Photos: Mikko Vares
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