Respond to a survey and influence the future of Tampere

Tell us what you think about the development and future of Tampere. What works well in Tampere? What could we do better? By responding to this open survey, you can influence the development of your home city. The survey will be open during March.

The City of Tampere is preparing a new strategy, which means a plan for what Tampere will be like in the future. To support this work, we need ideas from Tampere residents of all ages concerning what is important in everyday life.

How you can respond

You can respond to the survey online in Finnish or English. You can express your opinions quickly or provide more detailed responses on specific themes. Based on your choice, it will take you approximately 5–20 minutes to complete the survey.

You can participate in the survey using a smart phone or computer. If necessary, you can fill in the survey on a paper form at the city’s Frenckell service point (Frenckellinaukio 2 B) or the Main Library Metso (Pirkankatu 2).

The responses will be processed confidentially, and individual respondents cannot be identified from the data. The results of the survey will be published in June on the website.

Respond to the survey

The strategy will be made together

The new strategy will be prepared as cooperation between Tampere’s residents, employees, city councillors and stakeholders.

In addition to the survey that everyone can complete, information will be collected from local associations and organisations, events for Tampere residents, and from lobbying committees and councils. Students from Tampere Vocational College Tredu students will also help older people respond to the survey.

Further information

Nina Mustikkamäki
Strategy Manager
040 138 9234
Text: Raija Lindell
Photos: Laura Happo
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