Tampere celebrates Anti-Racism Week from 17 March 2025
The Anti-Racism Week is celebrated nationally every year in March. This year’s theme is adults intervening in racism towards children and young people. In Tampere, the message of Anti-Racism Week 2025 is discussed in day-care centres, schools and educational institutions.
During the Anti-Racism Week, the City of Tampere and other actors also organise thematic events for the public. Check out the details of public events on the Anti-Racism Week’s event page, where you can also find more information on the purpose and objectives of the week.
Opening ceremony reflects on equality in education and teaching
The Anti-Racism Week in Tampere will kick off with the event 'Towards anti-racist day care and school' organised by the early childhood education and care and basic education of the City of Tampere. The event will take place on Monday 17 March 2025 at 17:00-19:00 in Lehmus Hall, Metso Library. The event is in Finnish and advance sign-up is not necessary.
Speeches at the event shed light on how racism is visible in early childhood education and care and basic education and how day-care centres and schools intervene in it. Speakers include Director of Early Childhood Education and Care at the City of Tampere Elli Rasimus and Head of basic education Ulla-Maija Ojalammi. Doctoral researcher Saara Loukola will share research data on racism in Finnish schools and early childhood education and care.
The opening event also includes a panel discussion on promoting equality and intervening in racism. Professionals in the field of education and teaching who are experts on the topic from the early childhood education and basic education department of the City of Tampere will participate in the discussion. The panel discussion is hosted by Mikko Ala-Kapee, the Equality Coordinator of the City of Tampere.
You can also watch the kick-off event and the related panel discussion on Tampere Channel. The panel is part of the implementation of the equality and non-discrimination plan of the city and the “Kaikkien Tampere” campaign (“Tampere for everyone”), which tackles racism and discrimination.
Everyday anti-racism work
Early childhood education and care and pre-primary education in Tampere do anti-racism work every day. A particular focus when working with children is to create friendships and prevent bullying and discrimination. Each day-care centre has an operational equality and non-discrimination plan, and each unit has a plan for preventing bullying. The topic is also discussed in the personnel communications of day-care centres.
Schools in Tampere also talk about the topics of the Anti-Racism Week. As part of the theme week, basic education organises an exhibition of the finalist works of the poster competition for young people. The “Yhdenvertaisesti Yhdessä – Kaikkien Tampere” exhibition is held at Monitoimitalo 13 at the Youth Cultural Centre and it is open until 2 April 2025. The exhibition presents the finalist works of the poster competition from primary, secondary and upper secondary schools in Tampere. The exhibition shows the equal, friendly and diverse “Tampere for everyone” from the perspective of children and young people.
Student podcasts on racism heard in upper secondary schools
Four great podcast episodes have been recorded for the Anti-Racism Week in cooperation between upper secondary schools. Upper secondary school students have planned and recorded the podcasts themselves. Three of the episodes are about everyday racism, the impact of racism on mental health and self-esteem, and the multicultural Finland of the future. One of the episodes is in English and discusses racism in the media.
A total of nine upper secondary school students participated in planning and creating the podcasts. All upper secondary schools of the City of Tampere will listen to and discuss the podcast episodes.
During the theme week, Tampere High School of Technology and Tredu will hold joint meeting places against racism on the Hepolamminkatu campus. These meeting points want to reflect on values and toss prejudice into trash.
Tredu promotes equality and the appreciation of diversity
The Anti-Racism Week at Tampere Vocational College Tredu is visible in a wide range of inclusive activities, with teaching staff, students as well as partners involved.
This year, the theme focuses on tackling racism and creating a safe learning environment in the educational institution. Cultural diversity, appreciation of all kinds of diversity and highlighting individuals’ voices are brought up through workshops and multilingual announcements. The aim is also to combine anti-racism awareness with the themes of equality and non-discrimination.
Versatile programme for people of all ages
The event calendar for the theme week also includes several other public events. On Tuesday 18 March, participate in online training on the impacts of racism. The training provides information on how racism affects young people’s mental health. Watch the Tunnista, tunnusta ja tue (“Identify, Recognise and Support”) online training on Tuesday 18 March from 18:00 to 19:30.
At the Tesoma library, listen to the reflections of Sara Al Husain, a writer with a Iraqi background who grew up in Kuopio. Husain will be at the Tesoma library on Wednesday 19 March at 6 pm. The interview will be streamed and you can watch it remotely on the YouTube channel of the Tampere City Library. The event is also simultaneously interpreted in Finnish sign language.
The theme “Rulla can fit the whole world” takes over Cultural House Laikku on 19–23 March. Entry to the events is free of charge. The Children’s Culture Centre Rulla’s programme includes non-verbal theatre, music, puppet theatre, multi-lingual story times, and art workshops.
On Friday 21 March, the Tampere Welcoming City development programme will organise an evening of belonging and cultural diversity at the Etelä-Hervanta School.
A spring carnival will be held at the Haihara art centre in Kaukajärvi on Friday 21 March. The events include diverse art and culture, dance groups, an art workshop and a fashion show, all locally from Tampere.
More information on the public events is available on the webpages of the Anti-Racism Week. All public events of the Tampere Anti-Racism Week and their detailed information can be found in the event summary at the bottom of the Tampere Anti-Racism Week website.