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Pallopuisto Daycare Centre

Pallopuisto Daycare Centre

There are five groups at the Pallopuiston Daycare Centre: Aamuruskot are for children under 3 years old, and the Päivänsäteet + Poutapilvet and Tuulentupa groups are for siblings (children aged 2-5). The Pilvilinna is an integrated specialised group for children from 2 to 5 years old. There is no preschool education at the daycare centre.

Parkanonkatu 29 33720 Tampere
Daycare centre manager 040 7518930 (phone, local/mobile network fee)

Satu Sironen
Daycare centre manager
040 751 8930
Marjaana Henttonen
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 620 7670
Matleena Takala
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 193 2654
Henna Virtanen
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (ECSET)
040 539 1308
Minna Unkila
Special education teacher in early childhood education, Integrated group Pilvilinna
040 647 5265
Updated 4.12.2023