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Peltovainio Daycare Centre

Peltovainio Daycare Centre

The Peltovainio daycare centre provides early childhood education for children aged 1-5 years. It has facilities for six groups of children, 120 places. The groups are Helmipöllöt, Satakielet, Metsätähdet, Peltosiilit and Kivitaskut. Peltovainio's activities focus on nature, play, warmth and closeness. The daycare centre also runs open early childhood education clubs.

Peltovainionkatu 13 33400 Tampere

Noora Reinikka
Early childhood education and care assistant manager
040 620 8285
Salla Günther
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (ECSET)
044 486 3876
Updated 20.6.2024