As early childhood education professionals, family daycare provides offer children a safe, home-like early childhood education and care venue in their own home as part of a small group. The objective of family daycare is the comprehensive well-being of the child, to be achieved through a systematic pedagogic dialogue with the child’s guardians. The child will remain with the same, familiar carer throughout the care day. When the carer is absent, back-up care for the child will be provided, principally at a daycare centre.
A key resource of family day care are the skilled, reliable, and safe carers. All family day care providers are municipal employees with a family day carer vocational qualification or another degree in the care or educational field.
The carers work independently and are in charge of their own group’s daily activities. The carers are directed by the early childhood education and care plan as well as the individual plan for each child drawn up in collaboration with the guardians..
In family daycare, each child’s care hours will be agreed individually when the care agreement is drawn up.
- Family daycare is primarily provided between 7 am and 5 pm.
- The child’s need for service must amount to at least 15 care days a month for more than 5 hours a day.
- A family day carer’s group may consist of, at most, four children under school age, as well as one additional part-time child who is of preschool age.
Information about municipal family daycare
For more information about family daycare, contact the daycare centre manager who is the immediate supervisor of the municipal daycare provider. The supervisor directs, supports, and monitors the family daycare provider’s care and educational activity.