A school transport benefit may be granted to Tampere residents who are pupils in City of Tampere schools, either in preschool or in grades 1 to 10, for whom the school transport prerequisites are met.
Summary of prerequisites for school transport to a pre-primary education or primary school close to the pupil’s home:
- Journey of more than 3 km (preschool, grades 1-2)
- Journey of more than 4 km (grades 3-4, along with Kämmenniemi school and Olkahinen school Sorila schoolhouse pupils grades 5-6)
- Journey of more than 5 km (grades 5-10)
- Based on the difficulty, arduousness, or dangerousness of the journey (Requires evidence, e.g. a statement from the student welfare services)
- Health reasons (statement from the student welfare services or a medical certificate)
The Education and Culture Committee has decided on these grounds on 19 March 2020.