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Further education and the joint application procedure

The joint application for post-compulsory education 2024

The joint application for post-compulsory education (high schools, vocational training and post-basic preparatory studies, TUVA) was from February 20 to March 19, 2024. The application was made through the service. On the application form, it was possible to apply at the maximum seven educations programmes. 

Information on the results of the joint application for post-compulsory education will be available to applicants at the earliest on Thursday, June 13, 2024. The applicant receives information on the results of the joint application via email. In addition, the applicant receives a separate email with a link to accept the place. The institution also sends its own instructions for registering as a student.

If a young person has not received a study place in the joint application, they can apply for education in the continuous application in the summer. Guidance counselors for compulsory education guide and assist in the application. Every young person graduating from compulsory education will be found a study place.

Updated 10.6.2024