Upper secondary school studies
Upper secondary day schools
Day school studies are full-time and are aimed at young people aged 16-19.
Specific national tasks granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture
- Hatanpää upper secondary school, music and musical theatre
- Sampo upper secondary school, sports
- Tammerkoski upper secondary school, visual arts and design
- Tampereen lyseon lukio high school, IB-programme
- Tampere classical upper secondary school, natural sciences
- Tampereen yhteiskoulun lukio, expressive arts
Curricular priorities of the education providers
- Kalevan lukio, music
- Sampo upper secondary school, skateboarding and communication
- Tampereen lyseon lukio high school, social sciences
- Tampereen teknillinen lukio, mathematics and technology
- Tampereen Steinerkoulun lukio, Steiner pedagogy
- Tampereen yliopiston normaalikoulun lukio, economic and business life, circus arts
- Svenska samskolan i Tammerfors
Upper secondary school for adults
At Tampere Upper Secondary School for Adults, upper secondary education can be completed in the evening or at a distance.
Updated 17.2.2023