As an unemployed job seeker, you may be eligible to receive unemployment benefit for full-time studies. You can only start studying after Employment and Growth Services has assessed the impact of the planned studies on your employment prospects. Your studies can be supported with unemployment benefit only if the planned studies are estimated to significantly improve your employment opportunities.
Independent studies can also be applied to recruitment trainings, where employees are searched for and trained in collaboration with companies and/or employment service companies. You will also be invited to job search discussions during your independent studies, where your employment plan will be updated, and your job search obligation will be agreed upon.
During independent studies you
- participate in teaching
- report the progress of your studies as agreed
- notify if your studies are not progressing according to plan, you interrupt or stop your studies or you go to a full-time job lasting more than two weeks
- continue to participate in job search discussions where your employment plan is updated
- apply for jobs according to your employment plan
If you plan to study with unemployment benefit, always contact your OMA coach first.