The walking groups are free of charge and you do not need to register. The use of walking poles adds efficiency to the walk, but you can also participate without them if you wish. The pace of the walk is determined by the group. Weather permitting.
- Lentävänniemi, Wednesdays at 10 am, meeting in front of K-market, Männistönkuja 2.
- Lielahti, Mondays at 10.30, meeting in front of Lielahden lähitori, Lielahdenkatu entrance. Duration about an hour.
- Kauppi, Tuesdays at 10 am, meeting at the outdoor gym near the baseball stadium, Kuntokatu 5.
- Lamminpää, Thursdays at 10 am, meeting at Rauhanportti, Rauhantie 21. Duration about 1.5 hours.