Terälahti Library

Terälahden kirjasto ulkoa.

Terälahti Library

Niemikyläntie 14 34260 Tampere
040 8007813 (phone, local/mobile network fee)
Service hours 1.6.-31.8.2024:
Thursday: 09:00-14:00
Self-service hours:
Monday: 7:00-21:00
Tuesday: 7:00-21:00
Wednesday: 7:00-21:00
Thursday: 7:00-21:00
Friday: 7:00-18:00
Saturday: 7:00-18:00
Sunday: 7:00-21:00

The Terälahti Library is Tampere's oldest local library. The library is located at the Terälahti School. 

The library has computers and printers for customer use. You also have access to the wireless network Seutu Wireless.  

Self-service library open from morning to evening    

Terälahti Library is a self-service library that you can also use outside regular opening hours. During broad self-service opening hours, you can open the doors of the library with a PIKI library card and its ID number.  

The library does not have any staff during self-service hours but you can loan and return materials through self-service machines, use a computer, read magazines and even work or hold meetings in the library's premises.  

The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/teralahtilibrary

Updated 17.7.2024