Ohjaamo Tampere – The One-Stop Guidance Center

Nuori mies työskentelemässä, toinen selaamassa kännykkää ja nuori nainen kantamassa laatikkoa
One door - many services. Ohjaamo – The One-Stop Guidance Center offers information, support and guidance for employment, training, life management and well-being for young adults under the age of 30. If you don't know where to start, come to Ohjaamo! Our doors are open from Monday to Friday between 1 to 4 p.m., no appointment required. It doesn't matter how big or small your issue is, we will be here to help you.

What is Ohjaamo about?

Ohjaamo – The One-Stop Guidance Center is a place where you can get help in matters related to work, education and everyday life.  Maybe you have received a letter from your landlord and you are not sure what to do about it, or wish to know what rights you have regarding social insurance? These issues and many more are exactly the kind of things that Ohjaamo is here to help you with.

Ohjaamo offers a multitude of services related to:

  • Employment and services related to employment
  • Studying
  • Housing
  • Health and well-being
  • KELA
  • Financial and debt councelling (once in a month)
  • Free time

All of the services at Ohjaamo are free of charge. Some of our services are only available via appointment, but you are free to come to Ohjaamo and ask for assistance. We will help to guide you forward on your path, whatever you might need help with. You don't need to know which professionals help you require, we at Ohjaamo will help find that out for you.

Professionals at Ohjaamo

Ohjaamo is a multidisciplinary guidance center, which means that we have professionals of all kinds, including but not limited to:

  • Service advisers
  • Professional (OMA) coaches
  • Vocational guidance psychologist
  • Public health nurse
  • Social advisers
  • Study advisers
  • Physical education counsellor
  • And many more

Just ring our doorbell, and our staff will open the door for you. When you come to Ohjaamo, you will most likely first talk with a service advisers to help guide you towards the services you require.

How to contact us

You cand find our office at Hammareninkatu 5 b, 1st. floor, 33100 Tampere 

You can also call us, normally we take calls on weekdays (Mon–Fri) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Our phone number is +358 40 197 5144 

You can also send us an e-mail to: [email protected]

Please do not include any confidential information, such as your personal identity number, in the e-mail message. We will reply to messages, e-mails and calls as soon as possible during our opening times. 

Further information

Ohjaamo Tampere

Hammareninkatu 5 B 33100 Tampere
040 1975144 (puhelin, pvm/mpm)
Palvelupiste auki ilman ajanvarausta ma, ke klo 13–16, ti, to, pe klo 10–16. Palvelu ajanvarauksella ma–pe klo 9–16:
Monday: 13:00-16:00
Tuesday: 10:00-16:00
Wednesday: 13:00-16:00
Thursday: 10:00-16:00
Friday: 10:00-16:00