Syke 2 – Ecosocial Education and Sustainable Development 2023–2025

The Syke 2 project brings the principles of ecosocial education and sustainable development into practice, following the path laid out by the Syke 1 project, and continues to enhance understanding and skills in ecological, economic, social, and cultural sustainability.
As a result of the Syke 1 project, three core values were chosen for The Adult Education Centre of the Tampere Region: interpersonal relationships, moderation, and awareness of consequences. Syke 2 continues to put these values into practice through various educational pilots, workshops, expert lectures, and study modules from 2023 to 2025. Additionally, the project will create a Sustainable Development Handbook for the adult education centre.
The Syke 2 is funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education until June 30, 2025.

More information
Miki Mäkelä
Project plannerThe email address is in the format: [email protected]. Please note the double V letters between the first and last name.