You can find information about services for people with disabilities on the Pirkanmaa Wellbeing Region website. The Welfare Region organises services for people with disabilities.
Disability Council

The Tampere Disability Council follows the development of the city's services, especially from the perspective of people with disabilities. The Council takes initiatives to promote the interests of disabled people in Tampere.
The Disability Council consists of 11 members, 7 of whom represent disability organisations and 4 of whom are representatives of the city. They all have experience and expertise in matters relating to disability and the everyday lives of people with disabilities.
The Disability Council appoints a Working Group of Accessibility, which consists of 8 members. The Working Group of Accessibility gives accessibility statements on major planning and construction projects, organises joint meetings with urban planners and carries out accessibility reviews.
Are you looking for information on services for people with disabilities?
Members of the Disability Council
The members and deputies of the Disability Council for the period 1.6.2023–31.5.2025 are:
Chair or the Disability Council
Chair Katja Metsävainio, email:
Personal deputy Elsa Koskinen
Members appointed by disability organisations
Esko Jantunen, deputy Milla Lindh
Sirpa Virtanen, deputy Irmeli Saarijärvi
Milla Ilonen, deputy Rita Järvinen
Anja Aulomaa, deputy Ossi Särkinen
Riitta Virenius, deputy Jari Heinonen
Heli Järvinen, deputy Jani Heikkola
Other members
Tarja Mesiä, deputy Pirkko Laakso
Johanna Santaniemi, deputy Risto Masonen
Riku Seppälä, deputy Meri Papunen
Anne Valtakivi, deputy Taisto Ahjoharju
As a rule, the Disability Council meets once a month. In spring 2025, meetings will be held on the following Tuesdays from 14–17:
- 21.1.2025
- 18.2.2025
- 18.3.2025
- 15.4.2025
- 20.5.2025
- 17.6.2025
Browse the minutes of the Disability Council meetings in Finnish: Vammaisneuvosto.
The Accessibility Working Group will meet on the following Thursdays:
- 9.1.2025
- 6.2.2025
- 6.3.2025
- 3.4.2025
- 8.5.2025
- 5.6.2025

You can contact the Disability Council by sending an email to