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Youth Council

Youth council meeting at Tampere City Hall.

Would you like more seats in your school? Should Tampere have more summer jobs? Are you concerned about the climate crisis? Do you not have enough to do in your free time? Do you want better mental health services? Do you think there are too few buses, or not enough mobile phone charging places?

Contact the Youth Council. We will help you!  

The Tampere Youth Council (Nuva) is a group of influencing young people that strives to promote young people’s voices in the city's decision-making and to improve their position and opportunities to influence and participate. The activities of the Youth Council are based on the Local Government Act, according to which the city board must set up a Youth Council or another group of young influencers and ensure its operating prerequisites. The Tampere Youth Council was established in 1998 with the name Youth Forum. In spring 2015, the name was changed to Youth Council. 
The Youth Council provides opinions, letters to editors, statements and initiatives to the various institutions of the city on matters important and topical for young people. It also meets regularly with city decision-makers and represents young people in the city council and in six committees.  
The Youth Council includes 30 members and 10 vice members. The Youth Council is elected every two years in the municipal Youth Council elections.



Contact us

[email protected]

Jenna Naukkarinen
Youth Leader
050 385 0222
Updated 30.5.2024