Participation and community involvement work in Tampere

The people and communities of Tampere have the right to be heard and to participate in the promotion of common issues that are important to them. Tampere fosters the participation of its citizens through determined participation and community involvement work.
Work to strengthen participation and community involvement is called resident participation and community involvement work.
The work is carried out across the city's organisation. It involves meeting residents and customers, listening to their ideas and using their feedback. This takes place in everyday interactions in places such as schools, nurseries and libraries.
It is also about involving residents in the development of services and in administrative processes such as land-use planning and impact assessments of decisions.
The vision of the City of Tampere's participation and community work
The vision of the City of Tampere's participation and community work is summarised in three perspectives:
- Everyone in Tampere should have a voice and find their own way to contribute to the city
- Tampere offers good opportunities for self-imposed activities and everyone can feel part of a community
- A resident-centred approach guides everything the city does
To achieve our vision, we need to strengthen opportunities for participation and influence, support community-based action and act as a trusted partner for communities, develop staff skills and leadership to mainstream inclusion.
The city's participation and community involvement work is concretised in the Participation and Community involvement plan, which is updated every council period.