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Participatory budgeting

Vaalitelineet esittelevät osallistuvan budjetoinnin äänestysvaihtoehtoja Keskustorilla.

Participatory budgeting (PB) is a method in which residents decide how to use a certain amount of money. The city allocates the money and the residents plan and decide what to do with it.

Participatory budgeting complements and diversifies the opportunities for residents to participate. The method is widely used in Finland and around the world.

There is no universal way of applying participatory budgeting. The basic steps of participatory budgeting in Tampere are: 

  • brainstorming and collecting resident’s ideas
  • resident workshops to develop ideas further  
  • voting on refined ideas
  • implementation of the ideas as voted by residents

These stages can be implemented in various ways. 

Participatory budgeting in Tampere

In Tampere, participatory budgeting has been implemented e.g. in the following ways:

Lotta Harsunen
Planning Officer
040 568 6122
Updated 2.1.2024