Skating venues

 The ice rink is photographed from above. On the ice, players with sticks in their hands.

Skating venues are opened as the weather permits. For all skating venues and up-to-date information about their condition, check the Sports facilities information service. In this service you can also check the condition of skiing tracks.

When the weather permits in winter, more than a hundred pitches in parks and playing fields are used for ice skating. In addition to parks, skating venues can be found in school playgrounds, in addition to other outdoor ice hockey and skating rinks. The venues are in usable condition when their lights are on in the evenings.

On weekdays, the skating venues are mainly used by schools and day-care centres during the day, and some evening and weekend slots are also allocated in the ice hockey rinks. At other times, the skating venues and ice rinks can be used freely. You can check the rinks’ notice boards and the Timmi facilities booking system for any reservations.

Playing games are permitted at most of the venues. The venues intended for games always have ice hockey goals. Some venues are reserved for younger users’ skating practice only.

Skating venues are maintained by several units of the City. 

Frenckellinaukio 2 B 33100 Tampere
Customer Service 041 7308168 (phone, local/mobile network fee)
Monday: 09:00-16:00
Tuesday: 09:00-16:00
Wednesday: 09:00-16:00
Thursday: 09:00-16:00
Friday: 09:00-16:00
Pyynikin luistelukenttä.
During the winter season, the ice rink is frozen at Pyynikki athletics field. It is freely available to skaters without sticks every day from 8 to 21.30, except during events.

Tour skating

The City supports the tour skating trails on Lakes Näsijärvi and Tohloppi. Private parties are responsible for maintaining these trails.

Updated 28.6.2024