7.1.2025 - 21.1.2025
Take part
Respond to the Well-being survey of Tampere's residents
The well-being survey allows respondents to assess, among other things, their own health and exercise habits. There are also questions on loneliness, leisure and housing.
Respondents can also rate the amenities, safety and services in their neighbourhood and mark places they like or value on a map. They can also mark on the map places of concern that should receive more attention from the city.
The survey can be completed using a smartphone or computer. If necessary, the survey can be filled in on paper at the City Service Centre in Frenckell (Frenckellinaukio 2 B) and the main library in Metso (Pirkankatu 2).
The questionnaire will be answered anonymously and the answers will be treated confidentially. No individual respondent can be identified from the results.
If you wish, you can provide your contact details and take part in a prize draw where 8 people will receive a €20 gift voucher to a grocery store.
The Well-being survey of Tampere's residents will be repeated biennially. The results of the survey are used, among other things, for planning city services and developing residential areas.