IB programme

IB studies
The actual IB programme lasts two years. Before moving to the programme the students study one year according to the Finnish curriculum, but mainly in English. During the spring of the first year students select their IB subjects from the following subjects:
- Group 1: Best language (Finnish A Literature or English A Language and Literature)
- Group 2: Second best language (English A, Finnish A, Finnish B, French B or Spanish B)
- Group 3: Individuals and societies (History, Economics or Psychology)
- Group 4: Science (Biology, Physics or Chemistry)
- Group 5: Mathematics
- Group 6: Visual Arts or voluntary subjects (Art or a second subject from groups 2-4).
The following subject groups will be taught at the same time, which means that a student can choose only one from each group to their IB programme:
1. Economics / Visual Arts / Spanish B
2. Physics / Psychology / French B
3. Chemistry / History
Because of the all-round education Mathematics, the Finnish language and English are compulsory subjects. There is also Theory of knowledge studies as well as a CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) project, which emphasises social activity. An Extended Essay is written in one of the six subjects and the rest of the subjects chosen for the programme form the basis for the baccalaureate exam.
IB mission statement

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
source: www.ibo.org
The special features of the IB
Relatively few subjects are concentrated on during two years, which allows intensive study of the subjects. Study groups and the teachers remain the same, which is why studying is more focused than in the general high school’s course-based programme. The study groups are close-knit and it is easy to the teachers to follow and support the student’s individual progress.
The essential aim of the IB curriculum is to develop critical thinking. At the subject level this is realised through written assignments in which questions and problems arising from the topics studied are analysed in detail. At the same time the student’s written skills are developed. This is why the IB programme offers excellent readiness for further studies. This is also seen in the students success in gaining places at both Finnish and foreign universities.
Who is IB study for?
The IB is for you, if you
- want academic challenges and are not afraid of hard work
- have a persistent attitude and goal-oriented style of study
- have good self-discipline and strong motivation.
The IB is certainly not the easiest course of high school study, but perhaps it is the most rewarding. So, if you think you’re up to it, seize the chance of a lifetime, and apply to Rellu’s IB programme!
Applying to the IB
The International Baccalaureate programme at the Tampereen lyseon lukio is intended for the following groups of students (usually 16-19 years old): Finnish comprehensive school graduates, children of Finnish families that are moving back to Finland from abroad, and foreign students who move to Finland with their families because of their parents' work. We do not enroll foreign students who would move to Tampere without their parents.
For more information, please visit the Applicant site.