Lielahti Welfare Centre

Ystävällisesti hymyilevä kirjaston työntekijä Lielahden kirjastossa.

The Lielahti welfare centre has numerous services important to the residents under one roof. In addition to Prisma and other commercial operators, the same building houses a library, a social and health care center, a dental clinic, a maternity and child health clinic and a meeting and service point. There is also a youth centre nearby.

In Lielahti Welfare Centre you can meet others, do hobbies, study, have fun and spend time. Library facilities can be reserved, for example, for meetings or events.


Antti Possin kuja 1 33400 Tampere

Further information

Aija Karttunen
Regional Coordinator
040 801 6910

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Updated 6.9.2024