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Financial support for starting a business

Startup grant

Startup grant is support for new entrepreneurs. Its purpose is to provide them with a secure income at the beginning, when income from the new enterprise is still limited. Startup grant encourages people to continue as entrepreneurs.

The City of Tampere is in charge of offering startup grants to persons whose municipality of residence is Tampere and who belong to the target group of local government pilot on employment. 

The target group of the pilot comprises the following:

  • Unemployed job seekers, subsidized persons in employment and job seekers in services promoting employment who are not entitled to earnings-related unemployment allowance
  • All under 30-year-olds regardless whether they are paid labour market subsidy, basic unemployment allowance as per daily unemployment benefit, or earnings-related unemployment allowance
  • All foreign-language people and immigrants regardless of age and unemployment-related benefits.

Applying for a startup grant

The start-up grant may be granted for a maximum of 12 months and it is applied for in periods of six months. The amount of the start-up grant is equal to the amount of a basic unemployment allowance and it is paid for a maximum of five days per calendar week.

A startup grant is applied for in two stages. The decision on the startup grant is applied for prior to starting a business. After the entrepreneurship activities have started, startup grant payment is applied for retrospectively with separate monthly payment applications.

Startup grants are applied for in the Työmarkkinatori E-services for private customers. When you apply for a startup grant in the web, you will be able to follow the handling of your application. Please describe the future business activities as clearly as possible both in the application and in the business plan and calculations to be attached. A tax debt certificate is also to be attached to the startup grant application. You will be contacted and, if needed, asked to provide further clarifications.

If needed, other services can also be offered in support of your entrepreneurship. Get in touch with our business coordinators:

  • by submitting a contact request via Työmarkkinatori for private customers or
  • by sending an e-mail message to the address [email protected], or
  • by calling the customer service of the employment and growth services at 040 801 6581.


Apply for a startup grant via Työmarkkinatori (E-services).

Startup grant application

You may also apply for a startup grant with a paper form.

Updated 22.1.2025