Develop the competence of you and your team
The entrepreneurs’ skills grow during work, but growth can also be accelerated. In entrepreneurship trainings the main focus is on the company and its success. In addition to entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneurs need other skills, such as digital and marketing skills to support business operations. There is a good selection of training and development services available for entrepreneurs in Tampere region.
TäsmäKoulutus - develop the skills of your staff
Do your staff need additional training to meet changing needs?
TäsmäKoulutus is tailor-made training to help your employees develop their skills. It is also ideal if your company is facing temporary lay-offs. If your company needs new skills due to technological or operational changes, for example, TäsmäKoulutus is a useful solution.
The training content is tailored directly to your company's needs. The aim of TäsmäKoulutus is to ensure that your employees continue to work in your company with new skills and knowledge that will support its growth and development. There are no qualifications - the focus is on the skills you need right now.
Especially for small and medium sized enterprises, Täsmäkoulutus is an effective way to strengthen the skills of your staff. The training is jointly funded by the employer and the Tampere Employment Region, with the employer contributing between 30% and 50% depending on the size of the company. The training is provided either by an educational institution or a private training service, depending on the needs.
Want to develop your staff's skills? Contact us and let's design a training solution that suits your company!
Development of entrepreneurial skills
Entrepreneurial skills can be developed in the following trainings for example: