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Haihara Art Centre Residence

Several foreign visual artists and writers work in Tampere throughout the year in the city's residency exchange. On these pages you will find information about residency activities at Haihara Art Centre.

The Haihara Art Centre residency

The Haihara Art Centre residency offers working opportunities for one or two representatives of the same art field.

The artist residency situates in an over a hundred-year-old house. Despite its age, the house is in good condition and modernly equipped. The residence has a spacious room for working and living, a small separate study, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. The house also has a high-speed internet connection and a wireless network.

The residence is located in Kaukajärvi, in the Haihara art center area. The residence is managed by the Public Culture Services, City of Tampere.

Right next door to the residence you will find cafeteria during the summer season, art exhibitions and various culture events. The building is located in the courtyard of the manor Haihara and surrounded by a slightly wild garden with berry bushes. You can go outside to the nearby forests and parks immediately from the garden gate. The clear-water Lake Kaukajärvi is only a few hundred meters away. On the other side is Isolammenpuisto, the heart of which is a quiet forest pond. It is a kilometer's walk to the nearest shops and restaurants.

Haihara Art Centre is located in Kaukajärvi area. Haihara is easily accessible by bus number 10, which can be boarded from Hämeenkatu (Keskustori stops). The park area of the manor starts next to the terminus of line 10, and the journey to the art center is short. 

You can apply the Haihara Art Centre's residence apartment for rent (2 weeks minimum).

The artist exchange program

Several foreign artists and writers work in Tampere throughout the year in the city's residency exchange. In addition, the city of Tampere has artist exchange agreements, through which artists from Pirkanmaa can apply for residencies abroad.

Merja Vihinen
Inquiries and reservations:
040 687 6910
Irma Puttonen
More info about the exhange program:
Updated 18.1.2024