The City of Tampere asks about the well-being of its residents

The City of Tampere uses an online survey to find out about the experiences of Tampere residents in terms of well-being and neighbourhoods. The map-based survey will be open for three weeks from 6 to 26 February 2023. It is hoped that all Tampere residents respond to the survey.

Every two years, the City of Tampere conducts a survey that charts the experiences of Tampere residents about their well-being and their neighbourhood. The results of the survey will be utilised in the planning of the city's services and in the development of neighbourhoods, among other things. In 2021, the survey was responded to by 4,500 Tampere residents, who made more than 21,000 map markings. 

Assessment of your own well-being and marking favourite places on the map 

The Well-being of Tampere residents survey can be responded to in Finnish or English. It takes about 15–20 minutes to complete. The survey can be completed on a smartphone or a computer.

Take the survey

In the lobby of the city office building (Aleksis Kiven katu 14–16 C), there is an opportunity to get help answering the survey questions on two days in February. You can come to the office building to complete the survey on Wednesday 8 February 2023 from 10 a.m. to noon and on Thursday 9 February 2023 from noon to 2 p.m. 

Responses to the survey are anonymised and treated confidentially. It is not possible to identify individual respondents from the survey results.  

Among other things, the survey allows respondents to assess their own health and exercise habits. There are also questions on loneliness, leisure time and opportunities for regional influence.   

In addition to assessing the comfort, safety and services of their own neighbourhood, the respondents will have the opportunity to mark on the map their favourite places and green areas they consider important. Areas of concern that the city should pay more attention to can also be marked on the map.   

Further information: The well-being survey of Tampere´s residents


Edited 22.2.2023:
The deadline for responding to the survey has been extended until 26 February.

Further information

Katri Heininen
040 806 3920
Text: Johanna Kurela
Photos: Laura Vanzo / Visit Tampere
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