Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference Deep Dives Beyond the Abstract

The international Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference shares an urban metaverse with the latest digital solutions June 6–7 2023 at Nokia Arena, Tampere, Finland. The event offers exquisite keynote speakers: top specialist on digital customer-oriented business Belinda Gerdt and CEO of the Metaverse Institute Christina Yan Zhang.
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Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference combines forward-looking thinkers, cutting edge technology, services and solutions.

Human-centric smart city development and innovative ICT technology encounter at Nokia Arena transforming an urban metaverse with the latest digital solutions. The international event combines forward-looking thinkers, cutting edge technology, services and solutions. Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference deep dives beyond the abstract, where the ideas are taken to action, with the perspectives on Digitally Smart, Urban Intelligence and Responsible ColLAB. A significant role is played by international encounters and the networking of top experts.

Outstanding keynote speakers Belinda Gerdt and Christina Yan Zhang

The event will feature mega-class keynote speeches at the Main Stage of the Expo. Belinda Gerdt has built a successful international career in some of the world’s leading technology firms. She has almost twenty years of experience of developing digital customer-oriented businesses. Currently working for Philips at their headquarters in the Netherlands, she leads global marketing and helps digitize the healthcare industry. Previously she has worked for Microsoft and Amazon Web Services. Gerdt shares an overview of the digital customer journey under the title Think BIG! Digitization has changed the customer experience.

Metaverse pioneer Christina Yan Zhang is CEO of the Metaverse Institute, a consulting firm advising intergovernmental organisations, governments, corporates on their strategy in web3. With 16 years' experience turning forward-thinking ideas into ultra-high growth business with global impact, she has extensive experience working with governments, universities and CEOs on industry, innovation and skills strategies. In her speech, she opens up the role of digital twins and the metaverse from the perspective of responsible smart city development.

Exquisite Expo and Captivating Conference

In addition to the keynote lectures, Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference's programme includes the most topical speeches, and the event rewards the number one factors in smart city development and digitalisation. The conferences will focus on topics such as Web3 technology and smart mobility. Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference will be opened by Teppo Rantanen, Executive Director of Growth, Innovation and Competitiveness, City of Tampere, outlining the possibilities of the metaverse for urban development.

On Tuesday, Sitowise's Head of Innovation's Sami Lankiniemi's speech The Smart City Lab – How Do We Innovate in Federated Ecosystems will be heard on the main stage. In the morning of the opening day, after immersing yourself in smart mobility at conferences with the theme Boosting urban mobility 2.0: SmartRail Ecosystem & Lyl Living Lab tram. BRiDG3 Hackathon brings a groundbreaking Web3 track to Nokia Arena on June 6th. BRiDG3 is the ultimate hackathon centered around Web3 and the Metaverse, offering a full day of Web3 experiences and announcing the hackathon winners, with international keynotes, panel discussions, and showcases of the best Metaverse and Web3 examples from around the world.

On Wednesday, the Paidia at Nokia Arena will be taken over by the City of Tampere, Tampere University and VTT cooperation conference Future-proofing cities – STARDUST solutions and next steps. On the stage, Abloy will access the locks of security in turn to Develop digital and physical security in smart cities.

Free Expo registration and sales for Hackathon and Conference are now open

The Expo, including the program on the main stage, at Nokia Arena is open and free of charge for all registrants. Conference and Hackathon passes can be bought either together or separately.

The Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference is organised by the City of Tampere, Business Tampere, and the Tampere Trade Fairs Group. The event is produced by the Tampere Trade Fairs Group. Tampere Smart City Expo & Conference is geared to smart urban development networks, companies, and ecosystems to the ICT sector, municipalities, cities, and educational institutions and to the field’s specialists and future experts.

Further information

Sami Siurola
Tampereen Messut Oy Project Manager
040 734 3589
Sirkka Laine
Tampereen Messut Oy Communication Specialist
040 612 9081
Elina Uusitalo
Marketing Communications Planner
040 353 2978
Photos: Jyri Kivimäki
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