City of Tampere participates in Manse Pride

Tampere celebrates Manse Pride week from 12 to 17 June. The theme of the week is Being as humans together!

Manse Pride invites all supporters of equality to come together to celebrate in Tampere when Manse Pride week will be celebrated from 12 to 17 June 2023. The City of Tampere will participate in the events and celebrate the week by raising rainbow flags. Sinuiksi ry and the City of Tampere are responsible for organising the week of events.

City of Tampere Youth Services, Tampere City Library, the Urban Culture Unit and museums will also be organising various activities throughout the week. A host of other operators will be contributing to the event week as well. The patron of the event is Ilmari Nurminen, Chairman of the City Council.

The highlight of Manse Pride Week is the Pride march and the main celebration on Saturday, 17 June. The programme and timetable for the week will be announced soon.

The City of Tampere is committed to promoting equality and non-discrimination. This work is guided by the City of Tampere's operational equality and non-discrimination plan, which was completed in early 2023. The aim is that everyone can be themselves in Tampere.

Further information

Mikko Ala-Kapee
Non-discrimination coordinator
040 515 6166
Venla Moisala
Planning Officer
040 800 4836
Hanna Martinpuro
040 806 2468
Text: Emilia Narmio
Photos: Veli-Matti Lahdenniemi
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